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They are left anonymous because they are all personal but each one could be proven by name, date, address

„The Parchment Maze” is quite unique – an  archival thriller, a mystery fantasy, and an historical riddle gamebook.
Vera is a young archaeologist who discovers the existence of a secret society, that has been hidden from the rest of the world for six thousand years.
Fiction and science combine in an intriguing novel based on real archaeological discoveries and actual icons, a daring combination of Dan Brown and Umberto Eco. Could the legend of Orpheus and his descent into the Underworld be more than just mythology?
There is supernatural love, there are secrets; there is murder, there is history; from Berlin to Moscow, From Rome to Burma, Filipova’s novel is sure to intrigue."
Colin Falconer, author of 20 novels, translated into 17 languages over the last 25 years

Sarah Prezhdarova , Bibliotheca information activities
"Anomaly" is a great, incredible story! In the morning I would have missed the bus stop to work, reading it:) Every next book of you get better and better! Just can not wait to go home and read more:) My personal opinion is that it must be issued and abroad - I am sure that will remain in the Top 10 most read books:) So far I am not wrong in forecasts:)

Hello, Ludmila! I'm writing you in relation to the yesterday publication in Trud regarding some sort of  similarities between your novel and some other author's. I wanted to share with you, long before I have read this article, that talanted people in Bulgaria are hardly accepted, especialy when they are young, beautiful and smart. I felt that something like this was coming. I have no doubts that you could plagiarize. Furthermore, your novel was published only two months after hers. You have worked very hard for your novel, you provide so much data and examples that it is clear you have been preparing them for very long time. This data is present in other books of different professors - about the orphism, the letter, etc. The website you made was the culmination of all. I have still not heart about other similar website! There is so much information, gathered so long time. It is clear that you gave much love and talent for the stories you are representing. But after all, in this case an advertisement of the other authoress have been made and it was meant that you were some sort of blemished because your novel is a sensation. I'll buy her novel, too and I will then share with you my opinion in order to be more objective. It is not the topic that matters but the way it is written.

In spite of all I admire you for concerning that kind of topics which should deeply interest each person on the world. Melek Izet

Hello, Ludmila! I have just finished reading 'The Parchment Maze'. You are just amazing! There is no other Bulgarian author that could write so fascinating. I couldn't wait for your last book but it just went beyond my expectations . No matter it is historical, it didn't let us be bored for a second.Your four novels are on different topics. But you are so good at interlacing reality and fiction that you are just unique! Your novels worth becoming bestsellers. You have enormous talant and style that couldn't be found in modern Bulgarian authors. Your books have great quality and give us much knowledge under the form of unforgettable novels. I can't wait for your next book. I wish you great success because you deserve it!

Thank you for the book, for the work and diligence! I haven't recently read something some enchanting and close to my woman point of view. If I could write a book it would be just like that. I wish you health and I am looking forward to read your other book! borqna 

Dear Ludmila, already seven people have red my copy of your novel “Glass Butterflies”. All of them are amazed. One of my colleges compares you with Dane Braun, but I think that your style and genre are unique! This book should be made in a movie!
Kind regards,
Sofia, December 2008


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Националната библиотека посрещна „Смисълът“ от Людмила Филипова
За последен път Людмила Филипова се срещна с читатели и представи най-новия си роман „Смисълът“ преди заминаването си на двумесечна експедиция до Антарктида. На 23 януари 2018 г. писателката беше гост на 23-то издание на Клуб „Писмена“ на Националната библиотека „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“ по покана на директора доц. Красимира Александрова. Само два месеца след излизането си книгата се превърна в бестселър и беше преиздавана няколко пъти. 
Людмила Филипова в търсене на „Смисълът“
snimka 2.jpgЛюдмила Филипова представи за първи път новата си книга. Премиерата на „Смисълът“ от издателство „Ентусиаст“ се състоя на 29 ноември от 19:00 часа в Зала 42 на НДК, София. Романът е амбициозен нов прочит на въпроса, на който човечеството се опитва да отговори от зората на своето съществуване – какъв е смисълът да ни има.

Книгата бе представена от управителя на издателство „Ентусиаст“ Виктория Бисерова и от д-р Соломон Паси. Водещ на събитието беше журналистът Михаил Дюзев. В своеобразни ·Посланици на Смисъла се превърнаха седемнайсет от най-популярните и значими лица в културния, научния и обществения живот на страната ни: Ана Пападопулу, актриса; Богдан Томов, певец; д-р Владимир Божилов, астрофизик; Емилиян Колевски, спортен катерач; Ива Дойчинова, журналист; Ирина Тенчева, телевизионен водещ; Максим Ешкенази, диригент; Милена Фучеджиева, писателка; Нели Хаджийска, журналист; Николай Василев, икономист; Петър Антонов, актьор; Силвия Кацарова, певица; д-р Таня Милачич, ембриолог; Теди Кацарова, певица; Туна Киремитчи, писател; Хари Ешкенази, цигулар; проф. Христо Пимпирев, учен и полярен изследовател. Всеки от тях сподели, разказа, рецитира или изпълни своя съкровен отговор на въпроса на вечерта – „Какво е Смисълът?“.


Людмила Филипова гостува на Факултета по журналистика и масова комуникация

В навечерието на 24 май авторката на нашумелия роман "Войната на буквите" и още 9 бестселъра ще разкаже за пътя, който книгата трябва да измине, след като бъде измислена. Людмила Филипова ще сподели личния си опит и идеите си по въпросите: Книгата като медия от гледната точка на автора; Маркетинг на нова книга; Активности в медиите, отношения с журналистите и PR на книгата; Екранизиране на книгата, връзки с филмови продуцент.