30 honorable Apostles of Letters at the premiere of the new novel by Ludmila Filipova |
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From „The War of the Letters”
„Egmont Bulgaria” published „The War of the Letters”, the newest book by the well-known Bulgarian novelist Ludmila Filipova. The book is available as paperback edition and also as an e-book from July 12th, 2014. The official premiere was on Wednesday, July 9th, from 7 p.m. at the National Museum of History in Sofia (16, Vitoshko Lale Street) with the special participation of 30 honorable Apostles of Letters, among them journalists, musicians, authors, scientists and actors. "The War of the Letters" is not an ordinary historical novel. In the novel the known and the concealed intertwine in a story about one of the most significant works of the Bulgarian people - preservation, protection, and induction of our alphabet, called Cyrillic worldwide. A story that was first told by Chernorizets Hrabar eleven centuries ago. ”About the Letters” travels the world. But subsequently the truth was repeatedly retold and finally forgotten. The novel recreates an important and great period of time in which neither armies nor lands or even religions gave control and authority but the power of the alphabet. This is the era of the March of the Letters that has never been told. A time when men got killed for using writing systems, different from those recognized by the empires. Time, when the Bulgarian nation, despite all raise head to defend its letters. Thanks to it, to the thousands of victims it gave, and to the apostles of letters, now millions people and dozens of languages use the Cyrillic alphabet - balgaritsa. „I hope, that my novel will unravel the mysteries and understatements in the national history, recall the forgotten and open the untold about the greatness and the power of the alphabet, that was protected with great sacrifices and given to the world”, claims Ludmila Filipova. „Today more than ever we need to remember why and to believe again in its power and messages. The balgaritsa is among the oldest, most important and unique writing systems, and its story is epic. But the world does not know this story yet, as we ourselves neither remember it, nor talk about it. Therefore we are often asked why we write with Russian or Greek letters”, tells the novelist. „This is a novel about the magical power of the letter, erupting whenever and wherever letters appear”, claims Dr. Solomon Passy, one of the first readers of the new novel by Filipova. „Maybe letters can inspire political humility, reconciliation and wisdom. „The War of the Letters ” could stop the war of the people!”, Adds Dr. Passy. „Fascinating storyline complex enough intrigue, deep feelings, and of course, love”, comments the novel reader Dr. Leander Litov, head of the Bulgarian team at the European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN. „The result is a book, that can be read in one breath. With her novel Ludmila Filipova adds another brick to the eternal edifice of what is Bulgarian.” „Ludmila Filipova reaches for different historical epochs and geographic realms without superfluous timidity and creates a mixture of interesting storylines with a flourish and boldness.”, says Ludmila’s fellow writer – Alek Popov „Azi, Buki, Vedi – sacred letters, that made us a nation, that survived through the dark Middle Ages and the Ottoman rule.”, comments professor Dr. Hristo Pimpirev. “Hatred, blood, intrigues, and love are part of the great battle for the alphabet to give us the strength, so that Bulgaria survives through the centuries. While reading this book, you will feel proud to be Bulgarian.” „Historical figures are revived before our imagination, skilfully intertwined in a net of ordeals, one great love story and battles for power.”, shares the producer Zornitsa Sophia. “Battles, that are not only waged on the battle-field, but in sanctuaries of the written word, raising important questions. Battles we are urged to know more about.”
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Националната библиотека посрещна „Смисълът“ от Людмила Филипова |
За последен път Людмила Филипова се срещна с читатели и представи най-новия си роман „Смисълът“ преди заминаването си на двумесечна експедиция до Антарктида. На 23 януари 2018 г. писателката беше гост на 23-то издание на Клуб „Писмена“ на Националната библиотека „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“ по покана на директора доц. Красимира Александрова. Само два месеца след излизането си книгата се превърна в бестселър и беше преиздавана няколко пъти. | |
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Людмила Филипова в търсене на „Смисълът“ |
Книгата бе представена от управителя на издателство
„Ентусиаст“ Виктория Бисерова и от д-р Соломон Паси. Водещ на събитието беше
журналистът Михаил Дюзев. В своеобразни ·Посланици на Смисъла се превърнаха
седемнайсет от най-популярните и значими лица в културния, научния и
обществения живот на страната ни: Ана Пападопулу, актриса; Богдан Томов, певец;
д-р Владимир Божилов, астрофизик; Емилиян Колевски, спортен катерач; Ива
Дойчинова, журналист; Ирина Тенчева, телевизионен водещ; Максим Ешкенази,
диригент; Милена Фучеджиева, писателка; Нели Хаджийска, журналист; Николай
Василев, икономист; Петър Антонов, актьор; Силвия Кацарова, певица; д-р Таня
Милачич, ембриолог; Теди Кацарова, певица; Туна Киремитчи, писател; Хари
Ешкенази, цигулар; проф. Христо Пимпирев, учен и полярен изследовател. Всеки от
тях сподели, разказа, рецитира или изпълни своя съкровен отговор на въпроса на
вечерта – „Какво е Смисълът?“.
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Людмила Филипова гостува на Факултета по журналистика и масова комуникация |
В навечерието на 24 май авторката на нашумелия роман "Войната на буквите" и още 9 бестселъра ще разкаже за пътя, който книгата трябва да измине, след като бъде измислена. Людмила Филипова ще сподели личния си опит и идеите си по въпросите: Книгата като медия от гледната точка на автора; Маркетинг на нова книга; Активности в медиите, отношения с журналистите и PR на книгата; Екранизиране на книгата, връзки с филмови продуцент.
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