Dante’s Antichthon - www.ludmilafilipova.eu
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Dante's AntichthonDante’s Antichthon begins in Europe’s largest cave complex, the Grotte di Frassasi, where the lifeless body of a woman has been tossed ashore by the underground currents of the Sentino River. For centuries, legends have hinted that the Italian cave was the very place where Dante Alighieri set out for the underworld to find his deceased beloved, Beatrice. After a long disappearance, he returned to write his great work the Divine Comedy. However, Dante’s story strongly recalls that of Orpheus, who followed his Eurydice into the Devil’s Throat Cave in the Rhodope Mountains on the Balkan Peninsula, eventually arriving at the Lower Kingdom.

At the same time, a strange earthquake rocks Belgrade, which causes the mysterious, millennia-old stone figures found in Lepenski Vir to line up in the form of a hexagram for the first time since they were unearthed in the 1960s.

A military jeep mercilessly chases a pale creature through the dense forest of the Italian province of Ancona, when ate same time the eight-pointed star in the center of St. Peter’s Square in Rome cracks in half.

An Oxford professor discovers the key to deciphering the 16th century occultist Dr. John Dee’s Holy Guardian Angel Tablet, which had stumped scholars for five centuries …

Dante’s Antichthon
Dante’s Antichthon
Dante’s Antichthon is Ludmila Filipova’s fifth novel. The book is a cipher of sorts for decoding ancient secrets and laws that modern man has forgotten.  As with her previous novel, The Parchment Maze, the author has created an online Gallery of Traces where readers can find photographs of most of the places, puzzles and artifacts described in the novel at the address: www.mastileniat-labirint.com .

The book can be read either as a continuation of the bestselling The Parchment Maze or as a completely new adventure. This unique work addresses topics heretofore untouched in Bulgarian literature, including the discoveries at Lepenski Vir, the mirror-image figures of Dante and Orpheus, the secret of the Tenth Sign that only the chosen few are able to see, esoteric laws such as the Ten Thousand Earthly Inhalations, the philosophy of the inverted poles of meaning. It also raises the question of why angels have existed throughout all epochs, religions and worlds. In Dante’s Antichthon, the main characters attempt to break the code of the Hidden City of architect Coppede in Rome and Dr. Dee’s mysterious Holy Tablet, whose symbolism is shockingly similar to the world’s earliest known proto-writing system, which was discovered in the Balkans. They also search for answers as to why the tombs in Kazanluk, Bulgaria, were built for people towering 2.3 to 2.5 meters – the same height ascribed to the builders of the Egyptian pyramids and Ancient Babylon.

In the meantime, military organizations and powerful people from all over the world are doing everything to stop those they suspect are living thousands of miles under their feet, even though officially humans have only explored their own planet to a depth of thirteen km. Dante’s Antichthon also tells the true story of the first cave in the world, in which Nature finally shows man that life can also exist in the Mirror-Image Underworld, where his absence is necessary.

The novel’s characters chase their desires across its pages, running from their fears and passing through ten rings and ten spheres, searching for answers to real riddles from history, physics, astronomy, religion, philosophy, and most of all life as we know it. The book also hints at new theories about the beginning and the end of the world.

Ultimately, this book is for everyone who wishes to catch a glimpse of what lies beyond our everyday reality.

From Dante’s Antichthon


A Florentine legend recounts how at the end of the 17th century, an antiques trader nicknamed Vergili claimed to have discovered a mathematical formula that could decipher the “Secret of the Ten” hidden in Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. 

He believed that the formula held a crucial message for mankind, thus he tried to popularize it. He told writers, publishers, librarians, scholars and even members of various religious orders and secret brotherhoods about it, but no one took him seriously. The legends ends by saying that a few months before his death, the merchant wrote the formula he had discovered on the final page of an old copy of the Divine Comedy and deposited it in the Vallicelliana Library on Chiesa Nuova Square in Rome. The formula was as follows:

33+33+34=100 songs  = 10 х 10; => 10 кръга rings x 10 spheres = 34 Hell + 33 Heaven + 5 Purgatory; 28 = ≤ ≥ in motion; => 72 х 139 = 10 008; 8 → ∞ in 9 – 10 = -1 ∞ 10 = /+-/ 10 000 = 9 + 1 = /+-/ Antichthon


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Националната библиотека посрещна „Смисълът“ от Людмила Филипова
За последен път Людмила Филипова се срещна с читатели и представи най-новия си роман „Смисълът“ преди заминаването си на двумесечна експедиция до Антарктида. На 23 януари 2018 г. писателката беше гост на 23-то издание на Клуб „Писмена“ на Националната библиотека „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“ по покана на директора доц. Красимира Александрова. Само два месеца след излизането си книгата се превърна в бестселър и беше преиздавана няколко пъти. 
Людмила Филипова в търсене на „Смисълът“
snimka 2.jpgЛюдмила Филипова представи за първи път новата си книга. Премиерата на „Смисълът“ от издателство „Ентусиаст“ се състоя на 29 ноември от 19:00 часа в Зала 42 на НДК, София. Романът е амбициозен нов прочит на въпроса, на който човечеството се опитва да отговори от зората на своето съществуване – какъв е смисълът да ни има.

Книгата бе представена от управителя на издателство „Ентусиаст“ Виктория Бисерова и от д-р Соломон Паси. Водещ на събитието беше журналистът Михаил Дюзев. В своеобразни ·Посланици на Смисъла се превърнаха седемнайсет от най-популярните и значими лица в културния, научния и обществения живот на страната ни: Ана Пападопулу, актриса; Богдан Томов, певец; д-р Владимир Божилов, астрофизик; Емилиян Колевски, спортен катерач; Ива Дойчинова, журналист; Ирина Тенчева, телевизионен водещ; Максим Ешкенази, диригент; Милена Фучеджиева, писателка; Нели Хаджийска, журналист; Николай Василев, икономист; Петър Антонов, актьор; Силвия Кацарова, певица; д-р Таня Милачич, ембриолог; Теди Кацарова, певица; Туна Киремитчи, писател; Хари Ешкенази, цигулар; проф. Христо Пимпирев, учен и полярен изследовател. Всеки от тях сподели, разказа, рецитира или изпълни своя съкровен отговор на въпроса на вечерта – „Какво е Смисълът?“.


Людмила Филипова гостува на Факултета по журналистика и масова комуникация

В навечерието на 24 май авторката на нашумелия роман "Войната на буквите" и още 9 бестселъра ще разкаже за пътя, който книгата трябва да измине, след като бъде измислена. Людмила Филипова ще сподели личния си опит и идеите си по въпросите: Книгата като медия от гледната точка на автора; Маркетинг на нова книга; Активности в медиите, отношения с журналистите и PR на книгата; Екранизиране на книгата, връзки с филмови продуцент.